1 – 31 March | Foyer Gallery | Tue-Sat, 11am-5pm | Free
Moving With is a short film to capture a precious moment in time between mother and son and their local landscape. A celebration of simple things: being together, moving together, listening, and watching all we have on our doorstep. Made by Jonny Randall, it documents dance artist Lucy Nicholson and her son, Benji’s, regular journeys out and about in their local village of Staveley, Lake District, Cumbria. They pack a bag and walk to their favourite spots and notice…what can we hear, what can we see, and how shall we move?
Mother and son dance together, responding to the accompaniment of their natural surroundings with a backdrop of the beautiful national park.
The Moving With Project, funded by Dance Consortia North West has delivered Moving With workshops with families and schools to over 200 people in the local area so far, encouraging participants to notice what is all around them and move WITH what they see.
Brewery Arts has assisted Lucy in facilitating a series of workshops in schools across Cumbria, which aim to acknowledge the power and grace in playful movement to love, appreciate, and experience the natural world without challenge.
Emily Davies, Brewery Arts’ Engagement Officer for Dance, said: “It is so important to provide opportunities to our local community, including our local schools, to engage in high-quality creative arts activities which encourage self-expression and enhance learning.”
Lucy said: “There have been some wonderful responses from young people, their ability to notice is quite remarkable. Children are so readily available to take an idea and then play with it, we have much to learn from them.”
“My hope is to inspire people who have participated by firstly experiencing the joy of moving outside, we’re often taught to use the outdoors for activity or exercise, but there is something very magical about just being in nature for no other reason than the feelings of wellbeing, contentment and peace it can bring.”
Lucy concluded: “I think it is essential to nurture our young people who will shortly become the leaders and part of the communities that will hopefully take positive and effective action in the future, and I think a shift in the human relationship to our environment is really essential to this – We Are Nature!”
To chat with our Learning & Engagement Team about how Brewery Arts can support your current project, please email emily.davies@breweryarts.co.uk