Dark Room Access

Dark Room Members Access |

Dark Room Access Sessions | 23 Jan, 6 Feb, 27 Feb, 13 Mar, 27 Mar | 6.30-9.30pm | Membership Fee £10 | £15 PAYG | Tutor Liam Collins | Students & U24s 20% off | All sessions must be booked in advance online and are only bookable with Dark Room Membership

A Brewery Arts Dark Room Membership allows experienced and professional photographers the opportunity to work in a safe, relaxed, and creative Dark Room environment, to develop and print black and white photography.

Members have access to some specialist Dark Room equipment and are able to pursue their own work, with Liam Collins, the Dark Room tutor, present. The Dark Room capacity allows for five members present plus one supervisor per session.

The Dark Room Access Sessions is accessible to:

  • Professional photographers or those with proven experience who wish to develop and print black and white film photography. Users will need to provide evidence of their experience of dark room developing and printing.
  • Those who have successfully completed a Dark Room photography course at Brewery Arts.
  • All users, regardless of experience, must undergo an induction session.  Inductions take approximately 20-30 minutes at the start of a session and will cover Dark Room and building safety procedures, and familiarisation with equipment. The induction is not a Dark Room printing or refresher course.

To apply, please complete and submit the form below.

What is provided?

  • Five enlargers are available for 35mm black and white film processing. The Dark Room operates on a first come first served basis and enlarging bays need to be booked in advance.
  • One enlarger can print 120 (medium format) and 5 x 4 (large format).
  • Multigrade Dec, Stop and Fix chemicals are provided for traditional black and white printing and is included in the session fee. Colour developing and printing is not available.
  • Developing trays accommodate A4 size and 16” x 12” paper.
  • There is a Tutor or supervisor present at each session.

What do I need to bring with me?
Users need to bring their own film and paper. Paper can be purchased from the Dark Room supervisor if required. Any other chemicals must be brought by the user and removed at the end of the session. Dark Room users are expected to work in a safe and tidy manner.

How much does it cost?
Annual membership fee £10 then pay as you go for individual sessions. The first session including induction costs £15 for 3 hours. Subsequent sessions are £15 per 3 hours.

*20% discount on session prices is offered to students and those aged 18-24.  Age and student status should be indicated on the application form. Students must show NUS card.

How do I book?
If you would like to become a Dark Room Member, please complete the form below and send to learning@breweryarts.co.uk

Once your application has been submitted and approved, you will be contacted to arrange an Annual Membership payment via the Brewery Box Office team. You will then be able to book the individual monthly sessions online via our website

Booking an enlarger bay in advance is essential as this secures your space for the session. We will endeavour to ensure a supervisor is present at all advertised times. If a supervisor is not available, the session will be cancelled and your session fee can be transferred to another date.

Important information

The Dark Room is located on the upper floor of the main Brewery Arts building with access either via stairs or lift from the main entrance on the ground floor. If the main entrance is closed, the Bar & Restaurant entrance should be used. The facility is located next to the Print Studio which may be in use by those attending printmaking courses when you visit. Please be respectful of all users and allow space for everyone to work.

Terms and Conditions

  • Brewery Arts cannot accept responsibility for the loss or damage to personal property used in the Dark Room or left when users are not in attendance. Dark Room users do so at their own risk.
  • Brewery Arts reserves the right to refuse access to any users at any time.
  • Brewery Arts reserves the right to make reasonable amendments to session times, equipment,
  • Sessions must be booked and paid for in advance and cancellations must be made at least 48 hours in advance. No refunds/credit can be provided after this time.
  • If Brewery Arts cancels the session in which case the booking can be transferred to another date.
  • The Dark Room can accommodate a maximum of 5 people at any one time plus the supervisor.
  • The Dark Room is located on the upper floor of the main Brewery Arts building. Access is either via stairs or lift from the main entrance on the ground floor. If the main entrance is closed, the Bar & Restaurant entrance should be used.
  • The Dark Room is located next to the Print Studio which may be in use by those attending printmaking courses when you visit. Please be respectful of all users and allow space for everyone to work.

See all Creative Learning courses here.



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