This genre-bending tale brings to life a futuristic fable that fuses spiritual beliefs with inter-generational tensions. Set in the matriarchal ocean village of Iyi, where West African water deity, Mami Wata, reigns via village leader Mama Efe it uniquely brings to the screen a story of mythology, fantasy, and folklore. When the harmony of the village is threatened, two sisters must fight to restore order, as traditions of the past crash with calls from the future.
This is the third feature from director C.J. ‘Fiery’ Obasi, who represents a new wave of Nigerian filmmakers. The film is vividly shot in black-and-white and accompanied by an incredible oceanic soundscape and hypnotic score to frame its fantasy-fable. It won the Sundance Film Festival: World Cinema Cinematography Award (Dramatic) and the African Critics Award, Cinematography Award, and Set Design Award at FESPACO in 2023.
Presented in partnership with Anti Racist Cumbria. Formed in 2020, its mission is to “Tackle and end racism through action and education to create a forward-thinking and actively anti-racist Cumbria; free from prejudice and systemic inequalities.” Find out more Here
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Audio Description (AD) is available in Screen 1. Infrared audio system is available in both Cinema Screens 1 and 2. Induction loops (T) are in place in the Theatre, please ask for assistance on the door.
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